InerceX Box



The InerceX BOX, inertial machine features interchangeable flywheels of different weights and diameters that use inertia to provide high and variable resistance in both concentric and eccentric movements.

When accelerating the flywheel, it offers resistance, which allows working all phases of the movement. The resistance will depend on the flywheels that are placed on the machine and the speed and force with which the exercise is performed.

Different combinations of steering wheels can be mounted (never more than two at the same time)


  • 3 flyers
  • Vest
  • Simple handles
  • Long handle
  • Belt



  • Measurements: 91.1 x 51.4 x 38.6 cm (LxWxH)
  • Weight: 27kg
  • Material: Steel
  • Inertia range: kgm² 0.005 – 0.20
  • Inertia factor: x40
  • Flywheels (maximum 2 at a time): 1st Flywheel 0.010, 1.65 kg; 2nd Flywheel 0.025, 2.55 kg; 3rd Steering wheel 0.050, 3.65 kg.

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